21 May 2016

Little piece of writing


I used to call him 'AYAH'
For me he is a very gentleman as a man in the family
He took good care of his daughter
Everytime he back from work
I know that he always tired
But he did not show up in front of us
He always do many jobs to earn
I am also know that before he sleep
He will do a lot of thinking about his family
He is the one who do try to hide his love
But i know deep in his heart
He care and love us so much 
He sacrifice a lot for us
He willing to put aside his shame
To make sure our need is complete

Sometimes he unsatisfied about something
He will blabber to us
I used to understand his behavior
But we understand that he love us
He is our savior when it comes about equipment
He try to solve everything

He is also funny
We like to make him laugh
His laugh is the cure and happy pills to us
May ALLAH grant him JANNAH 

I love you 'AYAH'
You are the best AYAH in the world
Grateful to have you as my AYAH
The best present from ALLAH to me

Ikhlas from your big girl,

20 May 2016

its been so long guys !

hey guys ! its been quite a long time that i did not updated my blog. *berhabuk* 
im been doing fine. For yalls information, i've been completed my diploma and alhamdulillah i have been grabbing the Dean List Award in each semester *doakan practical ni pun dapat jugak lah yee*
I am sure that everyone else will say, ''bolehlah pandai'' , ''asal lulus pun alhamdulillah''. But for me it depends on us to be a 'rajin/malas' person actually. Sebab kita dah boleh fikir mana baik dan buruk untuk kita. If kita tak nak buat untuk diri sendiri, fikir orang lain yang care so much pasal kau. Your parents especially, want to see all of us graduated on time and pass with Dean for all subjects.
Macam aku, aku taklah dari keluarga senang. Dan aku dah tengok susah payah diorang nak masukkan aku belajar dengan mata kepala aku sendiri. What else can we do except grabbing the Dean List Award as a present and proof that we have been study so hard. I bet, they will be very happy and feel that their money that they have spent on us is worth it. *deep kejap * 
If you are curious, i have been taking, Dip. in HR management for 3 years @ KPTM Ktn. Our intake is the first batch that been taking this course *bangga jap* sebab tahun yang aku masuk tu baru open.
Now i will be waiting for my practical result and then ....... road to convo . yeayyy !
Guess what ? i've bee lifeless in my home. Still figuring out what to do actually. But .... i have a 'sementara job' by being a babysitter. *gelak sikit* 

My PLAN now, taking MUET, taking a degree (insyaallah)

If i can make a throwback before my diploma year started, i feel that i want to laugh for a moment *act. nak gelak besar* 
Before applied into KPTM, i am also apply at another place. But no rezeki for me. I have been accepted to KPTM Ktn in the course that i put on the top of the list because i am curious about this course. I am just accepted the offer without know the details of the course. *hahaha. main pilih je kan aku nihhh*
But then, i've learned that this course have a wide job oppurtunity out there *serious wehhh , semua kilang or office ke mesti ada HR dpt, but depends on rezeki jugak*
Guess what ? i've been crying during the orientation week. *hahaha, kelakar kan. dah besar gajah pun nak menangis* tu pun sebab tak kenal ramai kawan lagi. *lonely gila wehh, ingat rumah je*
Yang kelakarnya kelas belum mula dah count days for holidays sebab nak balik rumah. Aku mengaku at first memang macam tu. Tapi bila kau dah jumpa geng sekepala dengan kau, kau akan happy balik. *serious. haha*
I feel that time flies so fast. I have been miss my coursemate plus classmate plus housemate forever aku. Dioranglah yang selalu buat aku happy during my diploma year.
If u want to know, we name our members as #KamiCantik21 in completed version = 10 members *haha. cantik ke*

Kesimpulannya *ayat karangan sekolah* what i want to say that, perlu bersungguh-sungguh dalam menuntut ilmu. Kenapa aku cakap macam tu, of course sebab, if minat kau untuk belajar separuh jalan, you will ended up fail at some subjects or BERHENTI separuh jalan. Serious masa intake aku dulu dekat 900 jugak lah. But then, dah tengah-tengah sem, section dah berkurang sebab apa ? ramai yang BERHENTI. Aku cakap kat kau kesian mak bapak kau. Membazir semua yuran wehhh. So, ingat PARENTS kau, insyaallah kau akan selau buat yang terbaik and satu lagi tetapkan/perbetulkan niat setiap kali nak pegi kelas . Ok ! ;)

*banyak pulak aku membebel*

*jamu mata sikit* , jom tengok gambar . haha

AB107 classmates

iftar w classmates

dalam kelas, muka-muka nilah yang selalu aku berkepit selalu (groupmates)

classmates farewell

haa . nilah member #KamiCantik21 in complete version (10 members) *gituuu

tapi 2 orang nilah yang aku paling rapat. housemate plus coursemate plus classmate. hehehe

         ni pulak masa Dean List Award . alhamdulillah aku dapat kekalkan title tu 6 sem berturut-turut

dengan wana si tinggi lampai..
